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Low Pay, High Age: Kuwait Faces Domestic Worker shortage

Kuwait: Kuwaiti families accustomed to a helping hand during the holy month of Ramadan are facing a new challenge: a significant shortage of domestic workers. This unexpected disruption to household routines stems from a combination of factors, leaving many families scrambling for solutions. One major contributor to the shortage is the ongoing ban on Filipino workers. Filipinos have traditionally been a preferred choice for Kuwaiti households due to their reputation for strong work ethic and experience. With this crucial source of labor cut off, the pool of available workers has shrunk considerably.

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Exacerbating the problem are recently implemented government regulations capping recruitment fees for domestic workers. While intended to make such services more affordable for citizens, the unintended consequence has been to make Kuwait a less attractive destination for younger workers seeking higher wages. Recruitment agencies report that these workers are now opting for opportunities in other Gulf countries offering more lucrative packages.

The result is a shift in the demographics of available domestic workers. With fewer young and energetic individuals entering the market, recruitment agencies are seeing a rise in older workers seeking employment in Kuwait. While these workers may offer experience. Their physical limitations often make them unsuitable for the demanding tasks associated with domestic work. This situation has had a cascading effect. Several recruitment agencies, unable to cope with the lack of business, have been forced to shut down. Additionally, the influx of older workers may place a future strain on the healthcare system, as they are statistically more likely to require medical attention.

To navigate these challenges, Kuwait will need a two-pronged approach. Revising the recruitment fee structure to be more competitive with other Gulf countries could incentivize younger workers to consider Kuwait. Additionally, resolving the dispute with the Philippines and resuming the flow of Filipino workers would significantly increase the pool of qualified candidates. Only by addressing both aspects can Kuwait ensure a steady supply of domestic workers. And can alleviate the burden on families during Ramadan and beyond.

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