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Kuwaiti Ministry Unveils 10-Point Plan to Mitigate Summer Power Outages

Kuwait: The Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy (MEW) in Kuwait is proactively addressing potential summer power outages. Citing data from January to August 2023, which documented 1,071 incidents, the MEW has prioritized preventative measures.

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To ensure grid stability during peak demand periods, the ministry has developed a comprehensive 10-point plan. This strategy emphasizes rapid response times upon receiving outage reports through the centralized 152 hotline. Dedicated emergency response teams located strategically across all governorates will be promptly dispatched for swift restoration efforts.

Technical teams, working collaboratively with contractors, will prioritize efficient service restoration. Temporary backup generators will be strategically deployed to minimize downtime while addressing underlying faults.

The plan outlines a multi-pronged approach to tackle outage causes. Natural disruptions, such as those caused by weather or damaged cables, will be addressed through repairs, replacements, and network reinforcements. To mitigate future overload risks, the ministry will implement load redistribution strategies and network enhancements. Additionally, a crucial aspect of the plan involves the replacement of aging equipment with more advanced and reliable models.

MEW acknowledges the potential for deliberate disruptions and has outlined a response protocol for such occurrences. In cases of network tampering or trespassing, the ministry will collaborate with judicial police for intervention. Furthermore, technical reports generated from these incidents will guide the implementation of preventative measures to deter future occurrences.

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