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Kuwaiti Authorities Launch Hotline To Address Irregularities In Citizenship Status

Kuwait City, Kuwait – The Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior announced a new initiative to combat counterfeit citizenship and dual nationality. The General Administration of Kuwaiti Citizenship and Travel Documents, specifically the Nationality Investigation Department has established a hotline for citizens to report suspicious activity.

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This move, motivated by a sense of national duty and a desire to protect Kuwaiti identity and national interests, encourages citizens to act as “sentinels” by reporting any information regarding individuals suspected of forging citizenship documents or holding dual Kuwaiti nationality.

The General Administration remains committed to identifying and apprehending those involved in such activities. They urge anyone with information about potential forgeries or dual citizenship to come forward by calling the newly established hotline: 97287676.

Authorities emphasize that all reported information will be treated with complete confidentiality. Investigations will be promptly conducted, and necessary legal actions will be taken. This initiative highlights the Kuwaiti government’s dedication to safeguarding the integrity of its citizenship and national security, Al Qabas reported.

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