Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Kuwait Cracks Down On Fake Degrees: Government Scrutinizes Employee Credentials From 2000 Onwards

Kuwait: Multiple Kuwaiti government agencies are implementing stricter measures to verify the academic qualifications of their employees. This follows a request for the Civil Service Commission (CSC) to scrutinize educational certificates issued since the year 2000.

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The Ministry of Education has taken the lead, granting its employees a one-week deadline to upload copies of university certificates obtained since 2000, along with the corresponding equivalency certificates from the Ministry of Higher Education. This process will be conducted entirely through the Ministry’s website.

Similar action is being taken by the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs. A recent notice circulated to all employees, both Kuwaiti citizens and expats, mandates the submission of university academic qualifications and their equivalency certificates issued by the Ministry. This process allows for a slightly longer timeframe – one month – for employees to comply. Failure to provide the requested documentation within the designated timeframe could result in legal repercussions for non-compliant employees.

These initiatives highlight the Kuwaiti government’s growing focus on ensuring its workforce possesses the necessary academic credentials for their respective positions. The involvement of the CSC suggests this stricter verification process could be implemented across other government ministries shortly.

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