Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Kuwait Municipality Goes Digital With “Sahel” App For Violation Notices

Kuwait: The Kuwait Municipality is stepping into the digital age with a brand new service for residents. Following the directives of Minister Dr. Noura Al-Mashaan, the department has launched a system utilizing the popular “Sahel” app to deliver electronic notifications for municipal warnings and violations.

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The “Sahel” notification service offers a multitude of advantages for residents. Residents are promptly informed about potential violations, enabling them to take swift action and avoid penalties. Important notifications are delivered directly through the familiar “Sahel” app, ensuring they are readily accessible and easily located. The integration with “Sahel” potentially facilitates the process of resolving violations. Residents may be able to address the issue and avoid court involvement through the app’s functionalities.

This initiative exemplifies the Kuwaiti government’s commitment to modernizing service delivery and fostering a more efficient communication channel with residents. By embracing digital platforms like “Sahel”, the Municipality demonstrates its dedication to enhancing transparency and citizen engagement.

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