Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Kuwait Government Sees 10,000 Expat Departures in Five Years

Kuwait: Kuwait’s Civil Service Commission (CSC) is overseeing a policy to replace expatriate workers in government jobs with qualified Kuwaiti citizens. This initiative, based on CSC Resolution No. 11/2017, sets quotas for Kuwaiti representation in various government sectors, ranging from 98% to 100%.

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The policy’s implementation has resulted in the departure of approximately 10,000 expatriate employees over the past five years. The breakdown shows a decrease in expat workers year-on-year, with 3,140 let go in the first year, followed by a steady decline.

This move has sparked concerns regarding a potential rise in unemployment among Kuwaiti citizens if enough qualified candidates aren’t readily available to fill the vacated positions. The CSC is likely monitoring the situation to ensure a smooth transition and maintain efficiency within government agencies.

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