Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Kuwaiti Markets See Pre-Eid Rush as Festivities Approach

Kuwait: Kuwait City is abuzz with activity as Eid al-Fitr draws near. Local markets, particularly those specializing in apparel, are experiencing a significant rise in customer traffic with just two days left before the celebrations.

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This year’s Eid al-Fitr coincides with favorable weather conditions, further contributing to the celebratory atmosphere. Retailers, particularly in the clothing sector, are capitalizing on this by offering enticing promotions to attract shoppers.

The comfortable temperatures are a welcome change, allowing residents to conveniently visit stores throughout the day. Following the Taraweeh prayers, a longstanding tradition of post-prayer shopping excursions is expected to continue, potentially leading to increased traffic congestion.

These pre-Eid market trends reflect the growing anticipation and preparations underway across Kuwait as the country gears up for the joyous Eid al-Fitr festivities.

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