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Kuwait Targets Innovation Leadership: Smart Tech, E-commerce, and Education in Focus

Kuwait: Kuwait’s National Observatory for Sustainable Development and Future Foresight has issued a comprehensive report outlining a strategic roadmap for national innovation. The report emphasizes the critical role of smart technologies and digital commerce in driving economic growth and global competitiveness.

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The recommendations, informed by Kuwait’s position in the 2023 Global Innovation Index, address nine key focus areas:

  • Smart Technology Investment: The report encourages attracting investments for the development of smart applications that enhance daily life and accelerate technological progress.
  • R&D Boost: Increased investment in scientific research and development (R&D) is identified as essential to cultivate a culture of innovation. The report further recommends raising public awareness about the importance of R&D initiatives.
  • Digital Literacy Enhancement: The government aims to bridge the digital skills gap by promoting digital literacy across all levels of society. This initiative equips citizens to actively participate in the digital economy and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  • Educational Innovation Integration: The report advocates for integrating innovation strategies into educational curricula at all levels. This includes promoting artificial intelligence (AI) education to prepare students for the demands of a digital future.
  • Cross-Sector Collaboration: Building strong partnerships between investors, inventors, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders across diverse sectors. It is recognized as fundamental for fostering a robust innovation ecosystem.
  • Future-Oriented Research: The report underscores the importance of aligning research and innovation efforts with the nation’s long-term programs and anticipated needs.
  • Culture of Innovation: The government acknowledges the need to nurture a national culture that values creativity and innovation. This initiative aims to build a diversified, knowledge-based economy that is both competitive and sustainable.
  • AI Development Support: The report calls for encouraging the development and implementation of AI applications in various fields.
  • National Innovation Strategy: The government plans to launch comprehensive initiatives, strategies. And policies to promote innovation and creativity across the nation.

Kuwait’s performance in the Global Innovation Index demonstrates its strengths in infrastructure, human capital, research, market development, and creative outputs. However, the report identifies areas for improvement, including knowledge and technology transfer, business development, and market and institutional frameworks.

Despite a two-place drop in the global rankings for 2023, Kuwait maintains its position as the fourth-ranked innovator among Arab and Gulf countries. This is attributed to its lead in innovation outputs compared to inputs.

The government’s focus on smart technologies, digital commerce Also fostering a culture of innovation positions Kuwait for a future driven by knowledge and technological advancements, reported Times Kuwait.

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