Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Discovered: An Undersea Mountain Triple The Height Of The Burj Khalifa

On a research ship traveling from Golfito in Costa Rica, to Valparaiso in Chile, scientists of  Schmidt Ocean Institute discovered four undersea mountains. The tallest of which is more than 2.5 kilometers long.

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The magnitude of the mountains they found ranges from around 1,591 kilometers to 2,681 kilometers, which is more than three times the height of the world’s tallest structure, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. This is in addition to the 1,600-meter-tall mountain that the same crew discovered off the coast of Guatemela in November of last year.

Hydrographic experts and marine technicians from Schmidt Ocean Institute certified  that no database had previously included the mountains. While tracing a route to investigate gravity anomalies during the Costa Rica to Chile transit, the technicians discovered them. There are also minor variations in the ocean’s surface due to the seafloor’s changing shape. Whereas a mountain can produce a tiny lump on top of the water, a deep trench can produce a tiny depression.

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