Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Kuwait’s Population Booms: 4.86 Million Strong and Growing

Kuwait: Kuwait’s population has reached a new high, according to the latest data released by the Public Authority for Civil Information. As of December 2023, the country is home to an estimated 4.86 million people, reflecting a significant 2.6% increase from the previous year. This translates to an impressive addition of over 122,000 individuals throughout 2023.

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The growth wasn’t limited to just overall numbers. The Kuwaiti population itself saw a rise of 1.9%, reaching 1.55 million by year’s end. However, the proportion of Kuwaitis within the total population dipped slightly, dropping from 32.04% in 2022 to 31.82% in 2023.

Meanwhile, the non-Kuwaiti population experienced a more substantial surge. An additional 94,000 individuals brought the total to 3.31 million, representing a growth rate of 2.9%. This trend aligns with a consistent compound annual growth rate of 1.8% witnessed over the past decade (2014-2023).

Interestingly, a deeper dive into the data reveals a higher number of Kuwaiti females compared to males. As of December 2023, there were an estimated 787,300 Kuwaiti females compared to 758,900 males.

This data release sheds light on the dynamic nature of Kuwait’s population. The overall growth trend signifies a bustling and evolving society. However, the nuanced shifts within demographic groups, like the slight decline in the percentage of Kuwaitis and the higher female population, offer valuable insights for policymakers, businesses, and researchers. By understanding these patterns, they can make informed decisions that cater to the changing social and economic landscape of Kuwait.

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