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Domestic Worker Shortage; Calls for Resumption of Filipino Workers

Kuwait City, Kuwait: In a move to address the ongoing domestic worker shortage, Kuwait is seeking to finalize an agreement with Ethiopia to send domestic workers to the country.

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Key Points:

  • Talks with Ethiopia: Domestic labor expert Munir Al-Usaimi met with Kuwaiti and Ethiopian officials to discuss the finalization of an agreement for Ethiopian domestic workers to come to Kuwait.
  • Agreement Signing: A Kuwaiti delegation will travel to Ethiopia on May 27th to sign the final agreement.
  • Focus on Filipino Workers: While the Ethiopian agreement progresses, Al-Usaimi urged the Kuwaiti Prime Minister to resume talks with the Philippines, highlighting the skills and preference for Filipino domestic workers among employers.

This development comes amidst a domestic worker shortage in Kuwait. The move to bring in Ethiopian workers aims to address this gap. However, Al-Usaimi emphasizes the importance of resuming talks with the Philippines for a more comprehensive solution, reported Arab Times.

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