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His Highness the Emir Urges Kuwaiti Citizens to Choose Wisely in Upcoming Elections

Kuwait City: In a heartfelt address delivered by His Highness the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, emphasized the importance of making informed choices as the country approaches the National Assembly elections of 2024.

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Speaking on the occasion of the final ten days of the blessed month of Ramadan, His Highness conveyed his best wishes to the citizens. And urging them to embrace the virtues of piety, trust in God, and adherence to moral values.

Addressing the electorate, His Highness underscored the significance of selecting representatives who prioritize the nation’s interests over personal gains. He cautioned against electing individuals who may seek to sow discord or undermine constitutional principles. And urging citizens to exercise their voting rights responsibly.

Expressing optimism for the future, His Highness called for unity among Kuwaiti citizens, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding national identity and preserving the country’s unity and prosperity.

In conclusion, His Highness prayed for God’s guidance and blessings upon the nation. Also extending support and solidarity to the people of Gaza and all Muslims facing challenges.

His Highness’s poignant message serves as a reminder of the pivotal role citizens play in shaping the country’s destiny through their electoral choices, highlighting the importance of upholding national unity and collective well-being, Al Qabas reported.

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