Posted By Jasmine Posted On

The hottest Arab city in the World

Kuwait City, Kuwait: According to a report published on the British Metro website, Kuwait City in the Middle East is considered the hottest city on Earth, enduring scorching temperatures that regularly surpass 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit). Temperatures begin to rise in Kuwait in May and continue to rise throughout the summer.

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The summer months transform Kuwait City into a furnace. The city’s concrete infrastructure traps heat, intensifying the scorching conditions. Furthermore, scarce rainfall provides little relief. In fact, 2016 saw a record-breaking temperature of 54°C (129°F) at the Kuwait International Airport, ranking as the third-highest ever recorded globally.

Climate change casts a long shadow over the city. Scientists predict temperatures in Kuwait City to rise at an alarming rate, potentially increasing by 5.5°C (10°F) by the century’s end compared to the early 2000s.

The relentless heat forces residents to adapt. Many retreat indoors, seeking refuge in air-conditioned havens like homes, cars, and offices. Sunscreen and frequent cold showers become essential tools in the battle against the heat. However, even the solace of cool water is limited, as sun-baked pipes can render even cold water uncomfortably warm.

The scorching temperatures pose challenges beyond human discomfort. The Kuwaiti government has implemented measures like nighttime burials to avoid exposing mourners to the harsh midday sun. Wildlife struggles to cope, with reports of birds succumbing to the heat and pigeons desperately seeking shade for survival.

Despite the challenges, a silver lining exists. Summer transforms the city into a quieter landscape, with many residents escaping the heat on extended vacations. However, even during cooler periods, average temperatures remain high, hovering around 45°C (113°F).

Kuwait City serves as a stark reminder of the intensifying effects of climate change. As the city grapples with the scorching present, the future promises even greater heat challenges.

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