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Kuwait Struggles to Implement Renewable Energy Strategy

Kuwait: Kuwait faces an uphill battle in its transition to clean energy, according to a report by Arabian Gulf Business Insight. The oil-rich nation, despite possessing significant solar and wind resources, is lagging behind its neighbors in developing renewable energy projects.

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While Kuwait aims for a 22 gigawatt renewable energy capacity by 2030, experts predict it will only contribute less than 10% of the country’s electricity production. Major initiatives like the Al Shaqaya renewable energy project are experiencing delays.

Analysts point to governance issues and dependence on oil revenue as key obstacles. Robin Mills, CEO of Qamar Energy Company, highlights the advantages of renewable energy, including reduced air pollution and cost savings on imported fuel.

Kuwait is surrounded by regional leaders in clean energy investment, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt. Data suggests these countries are outpacing Kuwait in developing renewable energy projects.

However, there’s still hope. Kuwait has the financial resources to catch up. Streamlining governance and accelerating project implementation are crucial steps towards achieving its clean energy goals, reported Kuwait Local.

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