Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Look Up, Kuwait! Ramadan’s Full Moon Offers Perfect View Tonight Only

Kuwait City, Kuwait: The Al-Ajiri Scientific Center announced that tonight marks the appearance of a full moon, coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan. The moon will be visible at 100% brightness, offering a spectacular sight for skywatchers.

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The full moon will rise shortly after sunset and remain visible throughout the night, setting with the sunrise. This provides a perfect opportunity for astronomy enthusiasts to observe the lunar surface, including its terrain, volcanic craters, and meteor craters. Even without telescopes, the moon will be clearly visible to the naked eye.

Stargazers can look forward to an additional treat next Tuesday and Wednesday when the moon will be positioned near the bright star Spica. This beautiful conjunction will be observable throughout the night until the pre-dawn light makes them disappear.

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