Posted By Jasmine Posted On

Camping Season Over in Kuwait: Clean Up Your Campsite to Get Your Deposit Back

Kuwait City, Kuwait: The Kuwait Municipality has announced a firm end to the camping season, with removals starting this coming Sunday, March 24th. Camp owners are urged to dismantle their camps voluntarily to avoid municipality intervention.

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This year saw a significant increase in camping licenses, with 1,300 issued compared to 900 last season. However, the municipality also noted concerns surrounding fireworks use, camp rentals, and environmental damage caused by bulldozing the soil. A full report will be submitted to address these issues for future seasons.

The Environment Public Authority (EPA) has confirmed the official rejection of extending the camping season. As a reminder, to receive a full refund of the KD 100 deposit, camp owners must ensure their campsites are clean upon removal and obtain a cleanliness certificate from the EPA. Refunds will be processed after a request is submitted to the municipality.

For those who haven’t already packed up, it’s time to enjoy the final days of your camping trip and ensure a smooth return of your deposit by following proper cleaning procedures.

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